Have you heard about the B’More Summer Information Hub? The Mayor’s Office of Children and Family Success (MOCFS) partnered with Baltimore’s Promise, Baltimore City Public Schools, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, and other government agencies, nonprofit organizations and philanthropic leaders to organize the city’s summer resources for young people and their families in one location! With just a few clicks you can access information to help you plan your summer fun. Use the searchable map to find programs, activities and events near you or visit the teen zone to find out what’s happening in the city just for teens! The site will be updated throughout the summer with new exciting events and resources for young people and their families, so check back often to keep track of all of the summer fun happening in Baltimore City!
Visit: www.bmorechildren.com/bmoresummer to see what’s happening near you! #bmoresummerinfohub #bmorelitsummerseries #bmorechildren