On March 31, 2020 Governor Larry Hogan announced an executive order including a Stay At Home directive, ordering residents to remain in their homes or places of residence beginning at 8pm. The executive order includes exceptions that allow residents to continue engaging in certain essential activities, such as:
- grocery shopping
- obtaining medical care
- going to the pharmacy
- taking your pet to the veterinarian
- essential employees traveling to and from work
- traveling to and from an educational institution for instructional materials for distance learning
- going to a meal distribution site
- exercising
- caring for a family member or friend

Residents who violate the order will be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year imprisonment, up to a $5,000 fine, or both.
Today’s order will not impact essential City services. Police, Fire, and emergency responders will continue to respond to 911 calls, and trash and recycling will still be picked up. Additionally, the Emergency Operations Center will remain active to manage the City’s response to the virus.
Language from the Governor’s order can be found here: governor.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gatherings-FOURTH-AMENDED-3.30.20.pdf