The Mondawmin Neighborhood Improvement Association (MNIA) Neighborhood is located just west of Druid Hill Park and east of Reisterstown Road and the Mondawmin Mall. The neighborhood is home to a mix of historic housing styles, including large porch-fronted rowhomes to the north and colorful bowfront rowhomes in the southern half. Along Reisterstown Road is a small commercial corridor that leads to Mondawmin Mall and the Shopper’s grocery store. At the top of the neighborhood is the Third Space at Shaarei Tfiloh, a historic synagogue converted into a community space for events and meetings. The MNIA neighborhood has been home to many important community leaders and civil rights trailblazers, including Verda Freeman Welcome, who was the first Black woman elected to the Maryland House of Delegates and later the State Senate.
Neighborhood Association: Mondawmin Neighborhood Improvement Association
Neighborhood Association President: Kelvin Brewer – kelvinbrewer50.kb@gmail.com