Robert W. Coleman Community Organization Meeting
Robert W. Coleman Community Organization Meeting
The Robert W. Coleman Community Organization meets on the first Tuesday of the month at Robert Coleman Elementary.
The Robert W. Coleman Community Organization meets on the first Tuesday of the month at Robert Coleman Elementary.
The Fulton Heights Community Association meets on the first Monday of the month at Touchpoint.
The Mondawmin Neighborhood Improvement Association neighborhood meeting takes place on the second Tuesday of each month. They previously met at TouchPoint but now meet at the Third Space at Shaarei Tfiloh.
PNIA will meet on the second Tuesday of each at TouchPoint.
The Parkway Community Association meeting takes place on the second Wednesday of each month at Touchpoint in Mondawmin mall.
The New Auchentoroly Terrace Association will hold their annual elections at the Stone House on October 10th.
Please join us on the third Monday of each month at 6pm at Touchpoint for our Greater Mondawmin Community Meeting.